
When I move to step 3, the "Screen Recording" step is not completed. 


You need to authorize Google Chrome for desktop sharing on macOS.

  • Open System Preferences, 
  • Open Security & Privacy,
  • Select the Privacy tab.
  • Grant Chrome Chrome for Screen SharingAfter granting permission, Google Chrome needs to be restarted.


The screen sharing pop-up can not be seen.


1- The operating system may restrict screen sharing and warning pop-up could be kept on the background. Please check the security settings of your operating system. 

2- It may be due to the Witwiser Chrome plugin. If the Witwiser Chrome plug-in was installed and deleted before starting the test, the exam page needs to be refreshed with ctrl + shift + R before starting the test.

3-  If you click somewhere while the screen sharing pop-up is opening, screen sharing pop-up can move to the background. Please check the background and return it foreground. Then please approve for screen sharing.